Survivor Art Warning

Keep in mind that survivor art is not about beauty. It reveals trauma...sometimes in a subtle way. Sometimes rather graphically. The beauty, to me, is in being a witness to my own healing from the images given to me by formerly traumatized and even suicidal alters.

Please use caution in viewing this site. I'm proud to be sufficiently healed to share this art (most of which was done from 1997 to 2000). All depicted in the images have integrated. This is me when I was "we".


Feeling the Freedom

Lately I have experienced some phenomenal healing. The following sets are representative of that feeling.

Just prior to feeling it internally, this set reflected the change about to happen.

When it happened, it felt "freeing". And I've felt more uplifted and have more energy since the change. While difficult to explain unless you've experienced life long depression, it finally feels that I have sufficient emotional strength to stay above the depression "pit" when bad or sad things happen. I'll take it for as long as I can. A beautiful gift in my life.


Glorfindal said...

Glad to see you back :) love from England xxx

Any closer to finding a publisher for your book, ive searched and searched for a copy :(

Unknown said...

Am trying to be more active. Thanks for visiting this blog. Having the book reworked as an e-book is on my wish list. Sorry you can't find a copy.