Survivor Art Warning

Keep in mind that survivor art is not about beauty. It reveals trauma...sometimes in a subtle way. Sometimes rather graphically. The beauty, to me, is in being a witness to my own healing from the images given to me by formerly traumatized and even suicidal alters.

Please use caution in viewing this site. I'm proud to be sufficiently healed to share this art (most of which was done from 1997 to 2000). All depicted in the images have integrated. This is me when I was "we".


After a day of doom and gloom sets on Saturday, these two sets emerged from me on Easter Sunday (4/4). It represents the fusion of Libby and me. I thought it meant the end of alters but already a highly sexual inappropriate part emerged. Am working on accepting that aspect of me that had one of the most horrid jobs ever.

In spite of that, I see the two collages as a wonderful celebration of union.